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Homework and Topic Grids for Summer 2

Dear Parents and Carers

Below are links to this half term’s homework grids and topic overviews.  Please make sure that your child brings in evidence of one completed homework activity every week on a Wednesday to show their class teacher.  Thank you for supporting your child’s learning at home!

You can also find maths activities to complete at both and  We appreciate your help in assisting your child in learning their times tables facts and number bonds in particular.

Adobe_PDF23Foundation 2 Homework Grid


Foundation 2 Topic Overview

Adobe_PDF23Year 1 Homework Grid


Year 1 Topic Overview

Adobe_PDF23Year 2 Homework Grid


Year 2 Topic Overview

Adobe_PDF23Year 3 Homework Grid


Year 3 Topic Overview

Adobe_PDF23Year 4 Homework Grid


Year 4 Topic Overview – not available for download (please ask you child’s teachers for a copy)

Adobe_PDF23Year 5 Homework Grid


Year 5 Topic Overview

Adobe_PDF23Year 6 Homework Grid

Adobe_PDF23Year 6 Topic Overview