A copy of the following letter will be sent home on Friday 8th January 2016 along with a paper copy of our new E-safety curriculum:
Dear Parents and Carers,
Please find attached the new E-Safety curriculum that your child will be following. This new curriculum combines elements of the PHSE program of study, the DfE Sex and Relationship Education guidance and the National Curriculum Computing Programme of Study (2013). It was presented to Governors on the 19th October 2015 who unanimously agreed that this approach is in the best interests of all our children.
We have also worked closely with Julia Codman (E-Safety Project Manager from the Sheffield Safeguarding Children Board) and Sue Finnigan (E-Learning Consultant from the Sheffield City Council) in order to carry out an E-Safety survey with all our pupils and conduct several E-Safety pupil focus groups. The results of this research will be shared at two E-Safety workshops that we will run on Wednesday 13th January 2016.
The agenda for the two workshops on Wednesday (one at 2.30pm and one at 4pm) will be as follows:
- To look at the research findings from our pupils
- To look at the new curriculum
- To provide an opportunity for you to ask questions
We look forward to welcoming as many parents/carers as possible at either of the workshops. The research results will be shared with everyone after Wednesday. If you are unable to attend but would like to ask a question please return the slip below to the office.
Kind regards
Cath Thomas and Rebecca Hocking
Deputy Headteacher and Computing Co-ordinator
Pupil name______________________________________________________ Year 1
I would like to attend the workshop at 2.30pm or at 4pm (please circle)
I am unable to attend the workshops but I would like to comment on the new curriculum (please write comments below):