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class news

News and reminders relating to specific classes

E-safety curriculum letter

A copy of the following letter will be sent home on Friday 8th January 2016 along with a paper copy […]

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Homework and Topic Grids for Spring 1

Dear Parents and Carers Below are links to this half term’s homework grids and topic overviews.  Please make sure that […]

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Year 5 and 6 University Lecture trip letter

Dear Parents / carers, We are delighted to inform you that our Year 5 and 6 pupils have been invited to […]

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Homework and Topic Grids for Autumn 2

Dear Parents and Carers Below are links to this half term’s homework grids and topic overviews.  Please make sure that […]

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Whole school trip to the Lyceum letter

Dear Parent / Carer As part of our learning we are organising a whole school visit to The Lyceum Theatre […]

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Our latest newsletter

Our latest newsletter is available to download by clicking the link below: Newsletter #1 2015/16    

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Year 3 trip to Weston Park Museum letter

Dear Parents and Carers, As part of our learning about The Ancient Egyptians, we are organising a visit to Weston […]

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Sign up to our Family Learning Course in Computing Coding

Discover Coding A FREE fun course for parents/carers. Come along to have and experience of computer coding. at Porter Croft […]

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Year 2 trip to Street Life Museum in Hull letter

Dear Parents and Carers In Y2 as part of our learning about transport, we are organising a visit to The […]

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Twitter round up: Year 6 at Thornbridge 2015 photos

Year 6 have had a wonderful time at Thornbridge outdoors! These photos are originally from Y6’s Twitter account which you can […]

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