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Autumn Term Clubs Letter

Dear Parents and Carers

We have arranged the following Club activities for the autumn term. If your child would like to attend please book a place(s) at the main office as soon as possible. Places are limited so they will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Your child will need to be collected on time from the Clubs that take place outside of normal Academy hours as unfortunately we are not able to provide adult supervision once the club is finished. If you are unable to collect your child on time we will place your child in After School Club, which will be charged at the normal rate.

Club Day Start End Cost
Wonder Club (Lunch-time)



12:30- 12:55

Monday 7th of September 2015 Monday 14th of December 2015 Free

(Activity Sheffield)

All years


3:30 – 4:30

Tuesday 8th of September 2015 Tuesday 15th of December 2015 £42 (14 sessions – £3 per session)

payable in advance

Art Club (Lunch-time)

All years



Tuesday 2nd of November 2015 Tuesday 15th of December 2015 Free
Drama Club

All years



Wednesday 9th of September 2015 Wednesday 16th of December 2015 Free
Cooking Club

All years



Wednesday 9th of September 2015 Wednesday 16th of December 2015 £3 per session payable in advance
Choir (Lunch-time)




Wednesday 9th of September 2015 Wednesday 16th of December 2015 Free
Computing Club




12:15 – 12:45

Wednesday 16th of September 2015 Wednesday 16th of December 2015 Free
Football Club

(Sheffield United)




Thursday 10th of September 2015 Thursday 17th of December 2015 Free
Running Club





Thursday 10th of September 2015 Thursday 17th of December 2015 Free

(Activity Sheffield)

All years


3:30 – 4:30

Friday 11th of September 2015 Friday 18th of December 2015 £42 (14 sessions – £3 per session)

payable in advance


Club Information

Wonder Club

Children will use Godly Play to wonder together about Bible stories and what they might mean for us. They will also have time for crafts and other activities.

Tennis Club

Children will work with qualified staff from Activity Sheffield to learn different tennis skills, including controlling a tennis ball and different ways of hitting the ball over a net. They will also play mini games and tournaments.

Art Club

Children will learn different types of art skills and get to use a range of art materials, such as clay modelling, collage or painting. Each half term will work on a different theme and they will show their work during an assembly.

Drama Club

Children will work on their acting skills and develop using their voice and how they can move their bodies to represent different characters. Children will work on well-known short stories, such as the Gruffalo, which will be performed throughout the year.

Cooking Club

Children will learn how to cook different recipes with the help of our Academy staff. They will learn how to use weigh out and prepare their ingredients and how to use kitchen equipment safely.


Children will sing together as a group and will learn well known songs, along with songs that they can request. Children will perform at various times across the year.

Running Club

Children will work on their stamina and endurance through long distance running. The children will run around the cemetery park with school staff thinking about breathing techniques and developing their running style.

Computing Club

Children will learn and develop various computing and ICT skills, such as programming.

Football Club

Children will be working with qualified football coaches from Sheffield United Football Club to work on ball handling skills such as passing and shooting. They will also play mini games and tournaments.


Children will work with qualified staff from Activity Sheffield and will dance choreographed routines to the latest music. Zumbatomic classes can increase focus and self – confidence, boost metabolism and improve coordination whilst having lots of fun.