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Announcement about the Headship at Porter Croft

Dear Parents

It is with great sadness that the Governors have to inform you that we have received and accepted, the resignation of Mr Jim Dugmore, our Headteacher, who has been appointed as the Headteacher at Oughtibridge Primary School.

This will take effect from September 2016 so Mr Dugmore will remain as Headteacher at Porter Croft Academy to the end of this school year (August 2016).

Mr Dugmore is an outstanding Headteacher, and Porter Croft Academy, its children, staff and all concerned have thrived under his leadership. We do of course congratulate him on this new appointment whilst being very sorry to lose him.

The process to appoint a new Headteacher will begin next term and the Governing body will be working with advisors from the Diocese of Sheffield and the Local Authority (Learn Sheffield) to complete this process successfully. You will of course be informed as soon as a new appointment is made.

Yours sincerely

Karen Cribb
Chair of Governors