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Alive ‘n’ Kicking Letter

Dear Parents and Carers,

Healthy Lifestyle Programme

As part of the PSHE (Personal Social Health and Economic education) curriculum Why Weight Sheffield (on behalf of Sheffield City Council) are providing a 12 week healthy eating and physical activity programme called Alive ‘N’ Kicking in your child’s school. The aim of Alive ‘N’ Kicking is to engage and support all children around lifestyle choices that can promote good health. This will be delivered in a highly visual and interactive way.

The programme sessions will begin w/c 4th April 2016 and will run for one hour each week during school time, alongside your child’s teacher and classroom assistant.  To support each hour long session we will provide parents with an information booklet outlining more in depth the topics covered with the children each week.

The programme will involve taking the height and weight of all children. This will be done discreetly at the start and end of the programme. The purpose of this is to monitor the quality of the service; your child’s information will not be shared with other children, school staff or other third party agencies.  The information will be held locally by Why Weight Sheffield (on behalf of Sheffield City Council).

If you do not wish for your child to be weighed and measured please fill in the ‘opt out’ form and return to the school (Please note this will not affect your child’s participation in the Alive ‘N’ Kicking programme).

I would be grateful if you would complete the enclosed registration form and questionnaire and return to the school, along with this letter (if applicable) as soon as possible. In addition, I will be at Parents Evening at Portercroft Academy at 3pm on Thursday 10th March in the library, so please come and find out more about our programme.

We hope that your child enjoys being part of our Alive ‘N’ Kicking Programme. If you have any questions about the programme, please do not hesitate to contact me, or visit the Why Weight website for more details.

Yours sincerely

Laura Whitfield (Alive and Kicking)

Cath Thomas Deputy Headteacher


Child weight and height opt out form

I (Name) …………………………………….…….

Being the parent/guardian of …………………………………………

do not wish my child to be weighed and measured as part of this programme

Signed ………………………………………

Dated ………………………………………


Photographs opt out form

I (Name) …………………………………….…….

Being the parent/guardian of …………………………………………

do not wish my child to be photographed during the sessions in their class as part of this programme

Signed ………………………………………

Dated ………………………………………