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Bring Our Elephant Home!!!

We need to raise funds to bid to win our elephant! for The Children’s Hospital Charity because It’s not easy being the best children’s hospital!

The Children’s Hospital Charity

We fund over and above the NHS provision to help children get better more quickly


On the 20th of October we have the opportunity to bid on the amazing “All for One” elephant designed by Porter Croft parent & local artist Emma Jackson. The elephant was designed and decorated by Emma and the children in last year’s Y2. You may see smaller elephants in the herd which were decorated by other schools however we were lucky enough to work with an artist such as Emma on a full size elephant!

This is an open auction so our success is not guaranteed but we’re going to do our best!


Remember this is a win-win. Every penny raised WILL go to TCHC whether we are successful at the auction or not. This is fantastic as it’s not easy or cheap to have not just one of the few but also the best dedicated children’s hospital in the UK. So many Porter Croft families have benefited from the amazing service of Sheffield Children’s Hospital and this is an opportunity to give something back.


We need to raise thousands of pounds so please be generous and if you would like to make a pledge towards the auction budget privately please email Neill Birchenall, a Porter Croft parent on or speak to Mrs. Thomas.

A few very important notes:

  1. Donations made on this page WILL go to TCHC whether we are successful in our bidding or not. There will be no refunds because this is first and foremost about raising money for a worthwhile charity. Winning the elephant would be a fantastic bonus.
  2. Please do Gift Aid if you are able to as this is a donation you are making whether we win the elephant or not however please know that Gift Aid WILL NOT be taken into account in our bid.
  3. Our total “bid budget” will be made up of the donations on this page (excluding Gift Aid and minus the 5% Just Giving fees) plus confidential pledges made by other parents and friends of Porter Croft. If this is unclear please get in touch.