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Autumn Term Clubs

Dear Parents and Carers

We have arranged the following Club activities for the autumn term. If your child would like to attend please book a place(s) at the main office as soon as possible. Places are limited so they will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Your child will need to be collected on time from the Clubs that take place outside of normal Academy hours as unfortunately we are not able to provide adult supervision once the club is finished. If you are unable to collect your child on time we will place your child in After School Club, which will be charged at the normal rate.

Club Day Start End Cost
Y3/4 Football Team Monday


Monday 12th September On going Free
Multi sports

FS2 Y1 Y2



Tuesday 13th September Autumn term £1 per session
Cooking Club

All years



Wednesday 14th September On going £3 per session payable in advance
Netball Club

Y5/6 Girls



Wednesday 14th September Autumn term Free
Y5/6 Football Team





Thursday 15th September On going Free
Choir (Lunch-time)




Friday 16th September On going Free


Football Teams

We are very excited to be starting our own football teams this year on Monday and Thursdays. If your child wishes to be a part of a football team they will need to be able to attend after school football matches against other teams after school. We will also, need help taking the players to the matches and you will need to pick up your child from the different venues that they will be playing at. So please take this into consideration if your child wishes to join the team.

There will be 16 places for each team and places are subject to the behaviour of your child. If their behaviour is not acceptable during the club or in school their place will be offered to another child.



Thank you

Cath Thomas


Please click on the link below for a copy of the letter