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Year 5 and 6 University Lecture trip letter

Dear Parents / carers,

We are delighted to inform you that our Year 5 and 6 pupils have been invited to attend a ‘Life on Earth’ lecture at the Octagon Centre.

The workshop is free and the children will be walking to and from the venue. They will therefore need to wear sensible walking shoes and a waterproof coat. The children will be leaving at 10.00am and will have their lunch at the venue. If your child receives free school meals we will order a packed lunch for them, otherwise your child will need to bring a packed lunch. They will return to school in time for our 3.15 pm home time.

The trip will take place on Thursday 3rd December.

We have been asked to gain consent for photographs to be taken during the event as local newspapers are showing an interest. Please indicate your consent on the form below.
As with all trips your child will not be allowed to attend unless we have this consent form signed and returned.

Yours Sincerely

Mr Jones and Miss Hocking.

Pupil name ____________________________________________ Year __________

I understand they will need to bring a packed lunch, unless they receive free school meals.

I give consent for photographs to be taken. □ Yes □ No

Signed: _________________________________