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Year 3 trip to Weston Park Museum letter

Dear Parents and Carers,

As part of our learning about The Ancient Egyptians, we are organising a visit to Weston Park Museum on Friday 6th November 2015. We will be taking part in an Egyptian Day workshop led by the staff at the museum. The children will make their own Shabti and become trained in embalming. For more information about the workshop at Weston Park Museum please visit –

We are asking for a contribution of £5.50 per pupil to cover the cost of entry and insurance. This can be paid in instalments or you may wish to make a contribution toward this amount. Although your contribution is entirely voluntary, you will appreciate that the visit will go ahead only if there are sufficient contributions to cover the costs of the visit. Activities such as this are beneficial because they give pupils experiences they may not otherwise have and this impacts positively on their learning and progress.

Please make sure your child comes to school in suitable clothing for the weather. Children will need to bring a packed lunch to school on that day so that we can eat at the museum. Children who receive free school meals will be provided with a packed lunch.

Please complete the reply slip below and return it in an envelope marked with your child’s name to the school office by Wednesday the 4th of November 2015.

Yours sincerely

Laura Brown
Y3 Teacher


Year 3 – Visit to Weston Park Museum – Friday 6 November 2015


I give / do not give permission for my child _____________________ to take part in the visit to Weston Park Museum on the 6th November 2015.

Please indicate your payment method

I would like to pay by cash and enclose a payment of £………….  
I would like to pay via ParentPay  

