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Year 5 trip to Jorvik letter

Dear Parents and Carers,

As part of our topic ‘The Vikings’, Y5 will be going to York to visit the Jorvik centre on Friday 9th October 2015. This will be a fantastic experience for the children to see for themselves everything we have been learning over the term. We will be travelling by coach and as it is a long journey we are hoping to set off promptly from school at 9am and return at approximately 4-00pm to make the most of this exciting day.As this is a day visit, the children will need to bring a packed lunch (this will be provided for children who receive free school meals). Children will also need to wear sensible shoes and they will need a waterproof jacket.

We are asking for a voluntary contribution of £13.00 per pupil to cover the cost of transport, entry and insurance. This can be paid in instalments either by cash or online via ParentPay. Although your contribution is entirely voluntary, you will appreciate that the visit will go ahead only if there are sufficient contributions to cover the costs of the visit. Activities such as this are beneficial because they give pupils experiences they may not otherwise have and this impacts positively on their learning and progress

Please complete the reply slip below and return it to the main office along with your payment by Friday 2nd October 2015.

Thank you very much for your support.

Yours sincerely


John Jones
Y5 class teacher

Year 5 – Visit to Jorvik Centre – Friday 9 October 2015

I give / do not give permission for my child _____________________ to take part in the visit to York on the 9th October 2015.

Please indicate your payment method

I would like to pay by cash and enclose a payment of £………….
I would like to pay via ParentPay

